Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Grid Work

What I did here was I first set a grid on the 1000 x 1000 pixel document. I then proceeded to use the rectangular marquee tool to select a large area of the document, leaving only two squares from the edge of the document left. After filling the selection with black, I deselected the outside of the square and started selecting areas on the inside. I selected a rectangular shape that was 10 squares away from the edges, going vertically. I did the same thing again but this time horizontally. I then repeated the same shapes twice, going vertically again then back to horizontal. After doing so, I deleted the areas selected to reveal the white areas behind them, bringing to life the shapes I desired. Then, I added a drop shadow layer effect behind the shapes to make them look more authentic. Finally, I chose the photo I wanted to use and resized it in order to fit the entirety of the various shapes.