Thursday, November 20, 2014

Clone Stamp Tool Magic

What I did here was I used then clone stamp tool to make a dog in the water, footprints on the beach, bags under some eyes, and a small child in the middle of the field disappear. This was accomplished by adding the same layers from area surrounding them onto the target spots.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Adjustment Work

What I did here was I was i gathered all the pictures I used with adjustments layers and I made a collage. I used the beach picture as a backdrop for the rest of the pics. Then i set a layer mask on the rest of the pictures and used the gradient tool to have each picture "bleed" into the background.

Adjustments filters

What I did with all of these pictures was I had to use adjustments on each to give the picture more life. The pictures with the beach and the father and son high-fiving were both adjusted using presets given to me. The rest of them, I set hue and saturation adjustments to most of them and also a bit of level adjustments with the color.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

YMCA Mannequins

What I did here was I first duplicated the original mannequin layer to make four of them. Then I used the puppet warp feature to move all of their arms in the shape of the letters, Y, M, C, and A by putting pinpoints on the areas I wanted to move and moving them accordingly.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Rainbow Peeps

What I did here was I first used the wand tool on each face to select every part of their skin, then I used the paint bucket tool to fill in the color and then I used adjustment layers to give them the shade they are. For each person, I had to go to the original picture to use the wand tool then when using the paint bucket tool, I would have to make a new layer for every person and adjusted each one with the brush and eraser tools.