Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Eye Dropping a Dreamcatcher

What I did here was had to open a new page in Photoshop since it will not let you edit the dreamcatcher without doing so. After doing that and dragging the screenshot into Photoshop, I used the eye dropper tool to select a color that I specifically wanted to use and I then had to change to my paint bucket tool in order to color, or fill in, the areas I wanted filled in with that certain color.

Color Screenshots

My screenshots in order from top: Monochromatic, Complementary, Analogous, Triad, Compound, Shades.

Friday, October 24, 2014

PTA Reflections Project

What I did here was I used a peace sign and a picture of Earth. I put the earth as the top layer and had a clipping mask on it. After doing that, I had to group the peace sign and earth layers into one so the peace sign would not lose its mask. I duplicated the now earthly peace sign into a different document and used a bigger peace sign so I could make one giant peace sign out of all these little peace signs.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sippee Cup Pen Tool Practice

What i did here was i used the pen tool to make a shape around the cup itself. After doing that, I stroked it with a black border using the brush tool. I then used the pen tool on the yellow part inside of the cup, made it a selection, and deleted it.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Red Circle

What I did here was i used the pen tool to make a circle. the circle was made by connecting the number dots and letter dots together and when they closed off, it produced a complete and full circle. I then filled it in with a red color and made the border around it black.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Halloween Poster

What I did here was I used many different pictures from Clipart to complete the entire poster. With the cat eyes and the ghost, I used different layer patterns to make the edges disappear. I duplicated the cross gravestones and wrote text on the larger one.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Veggie Head

What i did here was i separated all of the veggies into different layers. I then moved them around to make a face.