What I did here was I first made a new 640 pixel x 480 pixel document and filled the background layer with black. I then typed in "Gold" in a white color in Times New Roman and had to resize the word to the appropriate dimensions. After doing so, I duplicated the text layer and added a gradient overlay onto the duplicated text copy. I then went into the gradient color option box and chose a lighter to darker gradient fade for the text. After changing the gradient style to "Reflected", I went into the bevel and emboss option box to change the technique to "Chisel Hard", the gloss contour to "Ring Double", changed the structure size to make the "open" areas of the effect go away, and finally the depth to enhance the lighting effect. After that, I checked the "Contour" option and added an "Inner Glow", changing the blend mode to multiply, lowering the opacity to 50%, selecting an orange color for the glow, and finally increasing the glow size to 15 pixels. With that being done, a stroke was added to the outside of the word. I changed the structure size to 5 pixels, the fill type to gradient, and changed the style to "Reflected" so I could finally add the same color I used on the text to the stroke. After, again, adding the bevel and emboss option to the stroke, this time with the style being changed to "Stroke Emboss", the technique to "Chisel Hard", the size to 5 pixels, and the gloss contour to "Ring Double", and checking the Contour option below the words "Bevel and Emboss", I applied an outer glow to the effect, complete with the opacity at 50%, the color to an orange color, and the size to 29 pixels.For the last and final step, I made a new blank layer over the text copy layer and loaded up the assorted brushes. I eye-dropped a light gold color from the text after replacing the current brushes and, by choosing a "Crosshatch" brush to use as a sparkle, I mixed a few sparkles here and there to make the text almost shine, but at the same time, lowering the opacity to how I think looked the best and thus, the final product was born.
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